These three types of food werethe most traditional food from The Netherlands in 2021!

Ifyou are Dutch, youknowthatthe Dutch  love their Dutch cuisine. Ifyou have Dutch friends or have ever  visitedthe Netherlands, chances are you have  tried food from Holland for yourselfand are nowaddicted to ‘stroopwafels’ or ‘kroketten’. In most countries, youcannot order these products at yourlocalgrocery store. But don’tworry! Dutch Expat Shop is thelargest online supermarket delivering more than 27,000 Dutch andBelgianproducts to manycountriesabroad! In this blog we share  3 of the most popular Dutch dishes or snacks. Alreadyhungry? Good! Read on!

Typical Dutch

Oliebollen is a traditional Dutch specialtyeaten in winter. Oliebollen, whichliterallytranslates to “Oil Ball”, is alsoknown as Dutch Donuts. It is a soft friedbreadwith or without raisinsshaped like balls. These little donuts are made withthesimpleingredients of flour, eggs, applesauce, milk, andyeast. Normallyenjoy hot withpowderedsugarsprinkled on top.


Kroket (or croquetteafterthe French name) is a  creamyandfried snack  with a variety of fillings. The Netherlands is one of a select few countriescraving  these pop-in-your-mouth snacks, and Amsterdam is a greatplace to try it. Of course, notallcroquettes, or kroketten in Dutch, are createdequal.  Dutch Kroket is usuallycylindricalandfilledwithcasseroles (usuallyusing beef, beef broth, flour, butter or margarine, onions, herbs), andit is the epitome of thesimilarity. Texturereflection: very crispy andcruncy on theoutside, super softandsmoothinside, withchunks or strands of meat.


Hagelslag is the Dutch  answer to sprinkles. But make no mistake, this is a different type of dustingthan most people. In North America, sprinkling is mainly for ice cream and cakes andnormally for  children, but  in the Netherlands it is  perfectlynormal  for an adult to happilysprinkle  fruit or chocolate  on bread. Nowthere are many types of hagelslag; youcan have chocolate hagelslag, fruity hagelslag, or the most irritatingdish – anise (licorice) seed  hagelslag. The latter is dedicated to thecelebration of thebirth of a baby and is affectionatelyknown as Muisjes (“mice”). Take a Dutch beschuit (a twicebaked piece of round toast), slap on somebutterandadornwitheither pink (for a girl) or blue (for a boy) anise hagelslag and serve to guestsvisitingthe new baby.

Want to trysome Dutch snacks yourself?

Dutch food or snacks are a great way to surprise yourfriends, business relationships or colleagues. But getting these items canbe a bit difficultifyou’renot in the Netherlands or anywherenearby. Lucky for you, youcaneasily order them online at Dutch Expat Shop. Do notwaitanylongerand take a quick look on their website!


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